February 1981 12 Uncovering the Z80 D S Peckett A description of the Z80 architecture and another 88 'hidden' instructions alnog with examples.
June 1981 59 Flexible Storage D S Peckett A review of the Aculab Floppy Tape for the TRS-80 or Video Genie.
September 1981 52 Pools Prediction D S Peckett Part one of a program which attempts to predict football results for use with the football pools.
October 1981 21 Pools Prediction D S Peckett Part two of the Pools Prediction program with the full BASIC listing.
December 1981 061 Making Music D S Peckett A description of how a sound facility can be added to the TRS-80 or Video Genie.
January 1982 045 Goig Forth D S Peckett The start of a series about programming in FORTH.
February 1982 61 Going FORTH D S Peckett Part two of the series on using FORTH. Comparative testing.
March 1982 048 Going FORTH D S Peckett Using conditional loops in FORTH.
  064 Special Report 2 D S Peckett A review of the Micro Professor CPU training aid.
April 1982 91 Going Forth D S Peckett Writing the Towers of Hanoi game in FORTH. The last in the series.
August 1982 49 The Art of Data Storage D S Peckett A look at storing data on cassettes and floppy discs.
September 1982 75 The Art of Data Storage D S Peckett Efficiently coding numbers for storage on tape for a TRS-80 computer.
October 1982 72 Data Storage D S Peckett The final part of how to store data of different types on tape for a TRS-80 computer.
May 1983 45 Going FORTH D S Peckett A depper look into FORTH on the Jupiter Ace; random numbers.
July 1983 37 Going FORTH Again D S Peckett A review of current versions of FORTH.
June 1984 42 Microwrite on the BBC D S Peckett A review of the Quinkey keyboard from Microwrite for the BBC micro.
August 1984 23 MODE 7 Screen Editor D S Peckett A program to allow the editing of text and graphics on the MODE 7 screen of the BBC micro.


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